Top Artists
Pos. Position | Artist | |
1 = | LISA |
Top Songs
Pos. Position | Song | |
1 ▲ | Moonlit Floor (Kiss Me) LISA | |
2 ▲ | Rockstar - Extended LISA | |
3 ▲ | Rockstar LISA | |
4 ▲ | MONEY LISA | |
5 ▲ | LALISA LISA | |
6 ▲ | 11:11 TAEYEON | |
7 ▲ | You are so beautiful Eddy Kim | |
8 ▲ | Four Seasons TAEYEON | |
9 ▲ | BREATHE LeeHi | |
10 ▲ | Beautiful Crush |
Top Genres
Position | Genre |
1 = |
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